Aqualia Teams with Egyptian Countryside Development for Mega Project
Spain’s Aqualia is Europe’s fourth-largest water management company and serves 30 million people in 17 countries.
The Egyptian Countryside Development Company signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Spanish water management company Aqualia on Wednesday to cooperate in setting up water desalination stations and smart irrigation systems over a 1.5 million feddan mega-project.
The MoU stipulates that both companies will work hand-in-hand conducting initial research and carrying out georectified studies, which is the process of taking an image of a map and referencing it to a spatial grid so it can be used as a layer in other maps.
Further, the companies will discuss and map out future steps to be undertaken by the joint mission according to the results of studies conducted.
Serving almost 30 million people across 17 countries, Aqualia is the fourth-largest water management company in Europe and ninth in the world according to the latest Global Water Intelligence ranking issued in March 2021.
The MoU was signed by Chairman of the Egyptian Countryside Development Company Amr Abdel-Wahab and Aqualia’s Egypt Country Manager, Ignacio De La Quintana.