40 Startups Named as Semi-Finalists at the MITEF Arab Startup Competition
Egypt leads the list with 8 startups participating, while winners will be announced in April.

For this year’s 13th edition of MITEF Arab Startup Competition, 40 Arab-led startups from all around the world are getting a solid industry experience and gunning to be finalists at MIT Pan Arab Forum’s Arab Startup Competition. From over 4,000 applications from around the world, varying in industries, target markets, size, and maturity, the competition works hand-in-hand with strategic partner, Community Jameel and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) serving as innovation partner, startups in three different tracks will partake in this year’s flagship bootcamp training, taking place at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KSA between March 1st and 3rd.
The competition was open for three different tracks: Startups Track, Ideas Track, and Social Entrepreneurship Track, with each of track facing its own eligibility criteria, each application was evaluated based on team strength, financial sustainability, innovation and scalability, while taking into consideration each startup’s level of growth, prototype status, development stage and previous funding rounds.
Here are the semifinalists of the 13th edition of MITEF Arab Startup Competition:
Startups Track:
At Home Doc from Qatar, BeamBot from Lebanon, Carbon Mobile GmbH from Germany, Dalooni from Bahrain, Dmails from Egypt, Hayatech from Bahrain, IRIS Technologies from Tunisia, Mruna from Lebanon, Paynas from Egypt, PointCheckout from UAE, Qafila from UAE, Singularity Computing from Algeria, Soul Artists from UAE, sysGravity from Egypt, Tawazon from Palestine, Trella from Egypt, and Tulpar from Turkey.
Ideas Track:
BLOCKSupplAI from UAE, bots factory from Morocco, Decapolis from Jordan, Devyzer from Lebanon, Historio from Tunisia, Honey Flow Africa from Bahrain, Infrastic from Lebanon, MyelinS from Luxembourg, NERv Technology Inc from Canada, RafiQ from Egypt, Revotonix from UAE.
Social EntrepreneurshipTrack:
Baramoda from Egypt, Beanboat from Bahrain, Blatt Boutique from Lebanon, EAZYTRON from Syria, Entaleq from Egypt, FlowLess from Palestine, Green WATECH from Morocco, Kashat from Egypt, PraxiLabs from Egypt, ReBootKamp from Tunisia, Robotna from Jordan, and Second St. from Lebanon.
Next up, the semi-finalists work hard to perfect their solutions in a preparatory bootcamp before presenting their ideas in front of prominent action leaders, industry experts, researchers, investors, judges, and entrepreneurs in a one-day graduation event in April 2020.