Saturday February 22nd, 2025
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New Startup In Town: “More Of” Aims To Fill The Gap Between Arts And Entrepreneurship In Egypt

The Egyptian creative industry just grew by one startup: More Of, a social enterprise aiming at creating harmony between Entrepreneurship and Arts.

Staff Writer

The theatrical twins Sarah and Hania Seif were inspired by the big segment of thriving artists in Egypt who lacked the knowhow of generating revenue. “We were trying to pursue a career in the performing arts field and this was when we noticed that everyone around us was mastering their crafts and arts, yet weren’t capable of pursuing their art as a sustainable career as they lacked the business and entrepreneurial side,” Sara tells Startup Scene. This is when it hit the twins that there is a huge gap between arts and entrepreneurship that needs to be filled through awareness, knowhow education, networking, matchmaking, and collaborative learning experiences.

More Of plans to nurture and empower artists and creatives through networking and matchmaking events, boot-camps and workshops to well-equip them to sustain or launch their creative enterprises. “For our revenues, we will mainly depend on tickets and programme fees in addition to sponsorships,” Hania tells Startup Scene. “Since we're in INJAZ StartUp competition, we hopefully aim to get seed funding which will give the business a push to make it flourish. We will also try to bootstrap to an extent, however not much in order to provide the experience we promise to the artists we target.”


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