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Egyptian Mega Conference Traverse Kicks Off to Inspire Cairo's Youngsters

Spearheaded by Egyptian startup iSpark, the event sets off to help youngsters choose their careers, through talks by inspiring speakers such as Amina Khalil, Ahmed Hayman, and championing athlete Farida Osman.

Staff Writer

Egyptian Career Development startup iSpark is just about to kick off Traverse, its second annual summit for high school students. Taking off on Saturday October 21st 2017 at the Greek Campus, the event aims to help high school students explore different parallel education opportunities that will help them develop their skills, build their characters and excel at their careers.

Founded by young entrepreneur Mostafa Hashisha, the startup launched 2015, incubated by Injaz Egypt. In two years since its inception, the startup has worked with over 40 schools in Egypt and impacted more than 10,000 students, helping them get exposed to practical experiences in the market through trying different majors across universities, visiting companies and taking summer internships before joining university in order to help them choose their career.

“We are aiming through Traverse to surround our high school students with all the opportunities they can seize and give them the exposure to build their skills and be prepared for what is after their high school years”, Hashisha says.

With inspiring speakers such as actress Amina Khalil, photographer Ahmed Haman, and championing athlete Farida Osman, their annual event, Traverse, will help high school students get inspired through panel discussions and success stories, network and get exposed to different opportunities, engage in fun activities during the day, as well as enjoy entertaining performances.

“Why not to have an annual summit that connects all students in Egypt with all extracurricular activities that can provide them with different experiences? Extracurricular activities have become one of the deal breakers for many employers nowadays and it’s a clear indicator if one’s character is built well. Starting this while you’re still in high school will help you grow faster and aim higher”, says co-founder and COO of iSpark, Ahmed El Rosy.

This year, the event is also providing students with a wide platform of local and international universities as well as 30+ student activities provided by NGOs, and clubs in different areas of interest such as; ICGE, ISLC, MUNs, Tedxyouth, Entrepreneurs' Society, Arcadia, Artkhana, Journey of Entrepreneurship, Astronomy club, Seeds of Peace, The Fight Zone, and Egypt Poet Society.

Students can register online through the following link , then they can get their tickets from the closest “Bouza Roll” Branch.

For more information about the event, check out Traverse 2017



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