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The Best Webinars to Fill Up Your Quaran-time This Week: July 12th - 18th

Fill your planner with our weekly roundup of online sessions and webinars from across the region.

Staff Writer

Adjusting to an unprecedented pandemic is no picnic. Entrepreneurs have had to do some mental gymnastics to manoeuvre their way through the ecosystem that’s changing minute by minute, and now, we’re familiarising ourselves with new precedents: how to land jobs, investments, network and so much more in the time of COVID. If you want to get some wisdom and insights from industry insiders and coveted figures in the startup ecosystem, check out this week’s list of webinars and online talks from regional and international platforms.

Q&A with Omar Hagrass, the co-founder and CEO of Trella by MENAbytes

When: Sunday, July 12th | 7 PM (Dubai time)
Where: Facebook and LinkedIn Live

When: Monday, July 13th | 11 AM (Cairo)

Where: Zoom

Investment 101 by StartEgypt
When: Monday, July 13th | 7 PM (Cairo)
Where: Zoom

Build Your Smart Garden with IBM IoT Platform by The Greek Campus and IBM

When: Monday, July 13th | 8 PM (GMT +2)

Where: Zoom 
The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth with Jonas Bausch; Youth Employment Officer and Susana Puerto; Youth Employment Specialist. Hosted by John D. Gerhart Center AUC

When: Tuesday, July 14th | 3 PM (Cairo)

Where: Zoom

When: Wednesday, July 15th | 2 PM (Cairo)

Where: Zoom
Promoting Accountable, Responsive and Inclusive Governance with Paul Maassen, Chief Country Support (CCS) Open Government Partnership, hosted by John D. Gerhart Center AUC 

When: Wednesday, July 15th | 2 PM (Cairo)

Where: Zoom
The Startup Talk with Mohamed Samir, CEO of Interact-Labs & Kareem Amin, CEO of Eboma, hosted by Flat6Labs and NilePreneurs Initiative
When: Wednesday, July 15th | 7 PM (Cairo)
Where: Zoom

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